Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
ZNation Global is more than an Accelerator. We are a global innovation platform, the architects of innovation, and the bridge connecting visionary startups with influential stakeholders worldwide.
ZNG Startups gain access to global mentors, subject matter experts, and customers. Our AI platform connects startups with opportunities worldwide and provides insights on market dynamics and best practices.
Startups join ZNG after careful evaluation. ZNG provides a customized dashboard for access to opportunities. Startups decide whether to pursue these opportunities.
We connect startups with global investors for funding opportunities but do not invest directly.
Fill out our application form. Our Ventures team will review it and reach out if your startup qualifies.
Startups can engage with ZNG for one year, with extensions by mutual agreement.
We accept startups worldwide and are sector-agnostic. Selection is based on ZNG's evaluation.
Yes, we encourage reapplication, especially if there's been progress since the last one.
Yes, many companies have joined ZNG after participating in another accelerator.
ZNG collaborates closely with corporate partners, tailoring services to their specific needs. We grant direct access to a global startup ecosystem, sourced based on use cases and research requirements, to solve problems effectively. Contact us at for personalized strategies.
Corporate innovation is a powerful fusion of corporate and startup collaboration. Our programs unite diverse stakeholders, including startups, government entities, venture capitalists, and universities. Your engagement level and collaboration with specific stakeholders are flexible, depending on your partnership preferences.
We establish clear expectations at the year's outset for corporate and startup collaborations. Tangible Return on Investment (ROI) indicators encompass introduced startups, successful Proof of Concepts (POCs), signed Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), and more. The ZNG Dashboard empowers innovation, expanding capabilities and achieving tangible results.
Our integrated marketing strategies are tailored to your needs, helping showcase success through case studies. We align marketing efforts with your objectives to collectively achieve your goals.
ZNG employs a rigorous process to match your innovation requirements, evaluating startups based on their technological capabilities, track record, and alignment with your specific needs.
ZNG sources startups from a global network, connecting with innovation hubs, venture capitalists, universities, and technology ecosystems worldwide. We identify startups that align with your specific innovation needs, ensuring a diverse and effective selection.
Yes, ZNG offers a comprehensive dashboard that allows you to monitor and visualize the progress of your innovation projects, including key milestones, performance indicators, and other relevant data. It's a valuable tool for keeping your innovation journey on track and making informed decisions.
The timeline varies based on your requirements and the startup selection process. We aim to expedite sourcing and onboarding to meet your innovation timeline.
Absolutely! ZNG offers flexibility to define and customize your innovation objectives, preferences, and criteria within the platform.
For fee and partnership terms, please contact us at We provide tailored proposals to meet your specific requirements.
We offer support, including workshops, design sprints, and access to our 20K plus global startups and ecosystem partners. Our commitment is to assist you on your innovation journey.
Yes, you can present your innovation projects and successes as case studies on the ZNG platform, which we actively promote within our network.
ZNG provides networking opportunities through events, webinars, and forums to connect with other corporate partners, facilitating the exchange of insights and experiences.
Becoming a ZNG mentor enhances your engagement within the community, grants access to additional resources, and empowers you to shape the innovation landscape for corporate partners.
Initiating the mentorship application process on the ZNG platform is straightforward. Simply complete our mentorship interest form, and you can expect a response from the ZNG team within 3 business days.
As a ZNG mentor, you'll gain access to a personalized Mentor Dashboard and be matched with startups based on your expertise. Your role combines mentoring with actively supporting startups' growth and facilitating essential business connections.
To maintain the quality of interactions on our platform, ZNG has established monthly limits on the number of mentorship requests that startups can send. This ensures meaningful and manageable engagement for our mentors.
ZNG's team initially matches startups with mentors. After an introductory call with the founders and a thorough understanding of their product, mentors have the flexibility to accept or decline the mentorship opportunity based on their interest.
If you find it necessary to terminate your mentorship with a startup before the agreed duration, you have the flexibility to do so. We kindly request that you inform us of your decision and provide a brief explanation for our records.
ZNG highly values its mentors and actively promotes their contributions. We showcase our mentors globally through our official social media channels, list your profile on our website, offer speaking opportunities at events, and leverage our global partnerships to spotlight your expertise.
Mentor compensation is determined based on the time invested and the value delivered to startups. We offer opportunities for a success fee or participation in the mentor equity pool of startups. Specifics can be customized and discussed individually with ZNG Management.
ZNG employs a rigorous evaluation process for startups before connecting them with mentors. We also have a founder rating system in place to assess their commitment. Your valuable time and efforts are safeguarded, and ZNG is dedicated to ensuring that startups appreciate and reciprocate your contributions.
No, working directly with startups introduced by ZNG outside of the mentorship program is not permitted without the consent of ZNG Management. The mentorship program is designed to facilitate structured and beneficial interactions between mentors and startups.
Yes, you can discuss the possibility of investing in or working more closely with a startup and acquiring equity in them with the consent and guidance of ZNG Management. We encourage mentor engagement and opportunities for deeper collaboration.
Z Nation Global will send highly curated investment deals to investors, along with comprehensive competition analysis. Investors can schedule a call with the founder to further evaluate the deal.
Investment in ZNG portfolio startups relies on the investor's judgment while considering the inherent risks in the dynamic business landscape. ZNG does not guarantee any investment returns, as outcomes depend on startup execution and market conditions.
The extent of founders' personal liability to investors is documented in the terms and conditions of the respective investment agreements. ZNG ensures transparency in these matters.
ZNG conducts legal and financial due diligence when onboarding startups onto its platform. A due diligence report is made available on the dashboard. However, we encourage every investor to conduct their independent due diligence to protect their investments effectively.
ZNG does not facilitate secondary share sales. Our focus is primarily on connecting investors with startups in their primary fundraising and growth stages.
ZNG features a diverse range of startups, and each is selected based on a rigorous evaluation process that considers factors such as market potential, technology innovation, and alignment with investor preferences.
Yes, investors have the flexibility to diversify their investments by exploring opportunities across various sectors and startups within the ZNG portfolio.
Investors can track the progress of their investments through the ZNG Dashboard, which provides real-time updates on portfolio startups. Additionally, ZNG may offer periodic reports and updates.
The terms and conditions of investment agreements are specific to each startup and are documented within the respective investment agreements. Investors are encouraged to review these agreements thoroughly.
ZNG may facilitate co-investment opportunities where investors can collaborate and pool their resources for investments in selected startups. This option provides a collective approach to investments.
ZNG offers a range of support and resources to startups, including mentoring, workshops, and access to a global network. We are committed to fostering the growth and success of the startups within our portfolio.
Yes, ZNG charges a 2.5% management fee, which is applied to the total investment amount. This fee supports the ongoing management and operational activities of ZNG's investment services.

Connect, Collaborate, Innovate – Welcome to Z Nation Global